
Posted by on Nov 8, 2023 in Memorials | Comments Off on Freddy

Your origins are a mystery

Found in a field in the hills of Santee.
I wasn’t sure, but my friend insisted we take a gander
I had no idea the world conspired for things so much grander.
A companion. Both friend and family
You unapologetically you. I unabashedly me.
Yet we learned to let down walls, coalescing as a whole
If there is a meaning to life, then surely that’s the goal.
Sure I provided love, safety, care and treats galore
But you managed to give those, and oh so much more.
You gifted me wisdom that books and mentors could not offer
What it is to be present, forgiving, and many more things to ponder.
I miss you dear friend, I keep a piece of you in my heart
So someday when I see you, I can return it
Let this not be the end, but only the start.